Deadly Gas Mines

Deadly Gas Mines is a harder version of thebloody7's stage "Mineral Disaster" from King Boo's Revenge 2 by him and sizzlingmario4.
It just does everything right. This star is one of the most radical stars when it comes to embracing moderate time pressure and complexity, allowing many different paths to be done in almost any order, and avoiding precision at all costs. All three of these things massively raised my enjoyment with this star.

Creators words
MORNINGSTORM : Took a little over 5 hours of attempts plus all the practice I got making and testing the level. Died with 30/31 and 29/31 x2 because the ending is hard but this star is still a really fun hard star.
IWERSONSCH : This star took me about 43 hours, and I enjoyed almost every minute of it. From the initial scouting to the segment practice to the attempts about 30 hours in, this star felt very reliably and lastingly fun, and even if I was going to take 100 or more hours on this grind, I was confident that I would not lose my enjoyment for this star because it is so exceptionally well-designed with an awesome difficulty balance and the exact right design priorities (minus maybe the 1-2 last few bits of moderate precision that remain in the star - one of them being retriable thanks to cheese, and the other being not that precise and instead more complex).