Move Your Body Freely 64

This is a movement modification made ontop of vanilla SM64. It allows many moves to be cancelled into eachother and has special considerations made for conservation of momentum. The changes are as follows :

Conservation of momentum is increased for running and walking, so if you gain excess speed,
you'll be able to run around very quickly with it for awhile. Similarly, swimming speed
has a higher cap. Sliding friction is altered to allow sliding to continue for longer,
this results in massive speed gains on slippery surfaces, and moderate momentum conservation
on regular surfaces.

You can cancel many moves into eachother:
Long jump can be cancelled into dive or groundpound
Dive and divekick can be cancelled into rollout midair
Rollout can be cancelled into a groundpound
Groundpound can be cancelled into a divekick (once per airtime)
Ground pound landing can be cancelled into a divekick or an instant triple jump
Backflip can be cancelled into an any-time twirl (with B)

Divekicks can now be wall jumped out of.
Ground pounds now have a 'speed pound' version, where if you're over a certain
speed threshold, they no longer stop your forward momentum. These automatically
land into a speedy divekick.
Ground pounds can now be wall jumped out of.
Ceilings can now be grabbed out of a rollout.
Rollouts now instantly reflect off of walls, maintaining your momentum but
disallowing walljumps.

Long jumps and dives no longer set your speed, they instead only increase
your speed if you're below their max desired speed thresholds. This way you can
now dive or long jump at high speeds without losing all your speed.

Swim 'power' is increased, you now can swim at very fast speeds, but also your speed as you enter the water is better carried, allowing yourself to bullet through pools. You can now dive or ground pound when leaping out of the water, opening up some more movement options due to the 'combo system'.

Non-stop star gain is enabled. Text on the first sign and the final Bowser is altered.

You can press "L" for a speed display.

Yoshi's spelling mistake is fixed (ha ha).

Ceiling clamber controls are improved (baseline in HackerSM64)

Made with HackerSM64 decomp.

Thanks, hope you enjoy!
