Servus 64

A Classic-Based Hack, heavily inspired by LUGMILLORD's SM74 and SM74EE.

Your friend lost their wallet in this World. Because he is busy, you have to find and retrieve it for them. It's of great urgency, they might not attend to a Pizza Dinner without it! Will you be able to save it?

-141 Stars to collect (110 to Final Bowser)
-aglab2 cam patch
-Custom Bowser Fights (No ASM)
-some Custom Music
-mostly Vanilla Textured Levels
-Bonus Area

The Hack starts with basic difficulty (first levels like SM74), and then gets increasingly harder till the end (last levels like SM74EE). So, the later levels are only for advanced Players! If you are not too experienced with Super Mario 64, I recommend using Save-States - or else it can get quite frustrating.

Some Creator Notes:
This Project has been quite interesting. It started so long ago, at times where I just wanted to test SM64 Hacking itself, and find out how to make cool levels. But I always lost motivation, stopped and got something else to do. (Probably SMW Stuff xD)
But now I finally got it together and finished this game. So, here we are!

I learned so much more things about 3D Modelling, but also Hex-Editing, Patching and Comparing Data Differences, as well as Behaviour Scripting and more.
Most importantly, I discovered for myself how to make a Game more flowy, which I wasn't very good at before. I only used to focus on Tool-Assisted Speedruns, not regular Gameplay.
This Game is far from perfect, and seriously not very flowy at some points (Course 6 is the BEST Example for Clunky Gameplay!).
But some Stars do play great and I'm very satisfied with that!

I have also already received lots of Feedback from the Community already, and most of it was quite positive. It really makes me feel like my work paid off! :)

Lots of fun with the Hack!