SM64 - Twisted Adventures 2

The unfinished sequel to SM64 - Twisted Adventures. Featuring 26 changed stars! This hack also uses the default vanilla eeprom save.

- 7 Stars in C1

- 7 Stars in C3

- 7 Stars in C4 - NOTE: S2, the bully star, will crash the game if your self-modifying code method is set to None or Cache or Check Memory & Cache which are faster but less stable. It MUST be set to: Check Memory Advance or Protect Memory(most stable but slowest method)

- 5 Stars in the WC Level(Also, need VC switch which is nested in the WC level... and MC switch - warp to the level & hit it or trigger its flag with Star Display)

- C2 is just unedited & unchanged Vanilla Whomps

- Vanilla B1 where game crashes upon obtaining the key