Star Revenge 0: Galaxy of Origins

This is Star Revenge 0, lore-wise the earliest in the SR Series. It features 122 stars.

You explore a galaxy full of planets with main courses, that each have 8 stars, which are split into 5 stars for the main 3D area and 2 stars in a 2D counterpart, plus the usual 80 coin star.

Story: In a parallel universe where roles are switched around or reversed, R. Mario sets out on his own adventure to step out of the shadow of his brother and quickly runs into someone, that needs a lot of help.

Note: Even tho they have a similar number, this hack has nothing to do with Star Revenge 0.5 TUL!

Star Revenge Lore Order:
SR0 ➜ SR1.5 ➜ SR2 TTM ➜ SR2.5 ➜ SR3.5 ➜ SR3.9 ➜ SR4.5 ➜ SR4.9 ➜ SR6.25 ➜ SR6.5 ➜ SR6.9 ➜ SR5 ➜ SR7 ➜ SR7.5 ➜ SR8 ➜ SR5.5 ➜ SRX

If you got onto this page by deciding to play by lore order, then expect the difficulty to be all over the place (as SR5 is a lot easier than most that come before it). If you do still go for it, then any% sound be fine, but 100% will require to be decent to pretty good at SM64)