Star Revenge X: Discord Star Adventure

This is Star Revenge X, a hack full of giant stars with red coins on them.

If you know Weegee from SR1 or the Emote Challenge hacks than you know how this plays out.
8 red coins are scattered over 99 giant emotes, which are made out of quicksand except for the outlines.

Story: After a very long time Mario finds himself outside of his card being forced to collect red coins over and over again.

Considering the repetitive nature of doing the same type of star over and over again, you might be better off to play this hack in multiple sessions, rather than all in one go, unless you really enjoy this type of hack.

Star Revenge Lore Order:

SR0 ➜ SR1.5 ➜ SR2 TTM ➜ SR2.5 ➜ SR3.5 ➜ SR3.9 ➜ SR4.5 ➜ SR4.9 ➜ SR6.25 ➜ SR6.5 ➜ SR6.9 ➜ SR5 ➜ SR7 ➜ SR7.5 ➜ SR8 ➜ SR5.5 ➜ SRX