Super Mario 64 Ruby (Build 1)

This is an early build of an old SM64 ROM hack I worked on when I was young. This is the first one, the 2nd being created in 2020. Occasional progress on this hack ranged from when I was 13 up until I was 16. SM64 modding has taken a backseat while I focus on gamedev and other hobbies, but it will always remain an important part of my childhood and teenage years.

This build is very archaic and is not recommended if you are looking for an actual decent platforming experience: It is mainly here out of interest and archival. SM64 Ruby as intended to be a 120 star hack, but such goals never came to fruition.

Levels replaced: Bob-Omb Battlefield, Whomp's Fortress, Secret Aquarium, Jolly Roger Bay, Cool Cool Mountain (Heavily unfinished, lacks objects).

I have gotten best results with Glide64, however, experiences may vary.