Super RPG Mario 64 - A Vanilla SM64 RPG-esque Experience

Play in the original SM64 world except Mario has adjustable Attack, Defense, and HP. Gain experience by defeating enemies and collecting Power Stars, then level up Mario to unlock his moves; at higher levels his moves update and some enemies will emerge.

New items that heal Mario or change his stats and status.
Coins can be kept to shop for items.
Collect 48 keys to open special Treasure Chests.
Save points that remember Mario's last position.
Easily return to starting points or checkpoints using the Warp Menu.
Dynamic NPCs. Watch King Bob-omb disappear, Koopa the Quick appearing in only one level a time, etc.
A new post-game with different dialogues and events.
Game Stats now unlock badges and special powers when meeting secret criteria.

Initial release (V1.0) boots on accurate emulation and hardware, but is currently unstable and may crash. Try not to use File D as that is when I experienced the most crashes. Also, I am currently aware that Eyerok may not hand out exp properly. This may be changed in v1.1.
EDIT: v1.1 UPDATE: Stat adjustments at newgame. Ukiki nerf. Eyerok was already fine, lol.